Who am I??
Welcome! You’ve probably ended up here because you’re searching for something similar to what I was in terms of filling your time, or perhaps you’ve accidentally landed here looking for something else! In any case, we’re glad you’re here!
I am La Femme Nakita, with an A, and I have been around the world a couple of times, lived all over the United States, and done a lot of amazing things that, I surprisingly never captured on camera until now.
I started this website and creative endeavors when I experienced a need to share my creative life outside of applying myself at work.
Hearing more of my coworkers say "we didn't do anything over the weekend" sends shivers down my spine as I find I work to live my life to the fullest, and am bursting to share! This tells me that you too likely have an opportunity to become the most interesting person in the room by filling your down time with less social media binging, and more activity. I know that was true for me!
All that being said, I decided to start nosuchthingasbored.com to help give you ideas on how you can fill your time if you're completely brain-dead after work, or are just on the struggle bus for things to do!
Why battle boredom?
In my Youtube channel, which you will find a bunch of linked videos here, I cover a bunch of different topics like home renovation, creative design and art, traveling to new spots, cooking, cats (specifically one special Japanese Bobtail), fashion, events, and more! Where ever we are at or what ever we are doing, I am commited to sharing with you this blog-style, idea drive, challenge to defying bordom for the rest of our lives because who really wants to spend their one life on earth without anything to experience?
I hope that you’ll stick around a while to see what we are up to to ensure we never use to word “bored” in vein again, because, frankly, there’s too much stuff to be done in the world! And with the days of the internet and so much information around, we firmly believe that there truly is no such thing as “bored”, and we will be out to prove it!
If you’re feeling extra connected to this mission and want to support our ventures, check out our merch!
See you on the flip! 😎
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Contact Us:
With any art inquiries, please reach out to defyboredom@outlook.com